# Glossary
# Attendees (Users)
Users who can access AuctionIT for their personal purposes. They can see their own donations, items purchased either in the auction or vending items. They can edit their own demographic information (addresses, emails, phone numbers). If enabled by your organization, they have the ability to check-in or checkout via AuctionIT or place bid for items that you allow to have online bidding.
# Auction Book
Information about the Lines and the Donations on the Lines that can be distributed to those who attend your auction so they can find donations they want to bid on.
# Auction Workers (including Admins)
Users who can access AuctionIT for the purpose of setting up, running or reporting on the auction for your Organization. This would include your overall Auction Coordinator, those who enter donations, those who clerk the lines as they are selling, those who handle check-in/check-out, those who sell vending items, etc.
# Bidder Card
A printed paper with the bidders name, bidder number and QR code.
# Bidders
Supporters who attend your event and are given a Bidder number so they can bid during the auction or purchase vending items.
# Cash Donation
Cash given to your Organization over and above the purchase price of all the items purchased at the auction site. For example, a Bidder may have purchased something in the auction for $80 and a vending item for $10. The total amount owed is $90, but the Supporter writes a check for $100. The extra $10 is recorded as a cash donation and will show on their receipt.
# Cashier
The role that can check-in or check-out an Attendee of the auction.
# Category
A way to group donations. For example, vacations, technology, collectibles, etc. The list of categories is established by your Organization.
# Clerk
The role that enters a sale for an auction line.
# Current Event
AuctionIT has 1 event that is considered the current event at any given time. When you are using the system, the screen in which you are working will know the current event and apply whatever is done to the current event. For example, when a donation is added to the system it will be added to the current event. Only Auction Coordinators can change your current event or override the current event for themselves.
# Donation
Something given by a Supporter to your Organization for sale at the auction. The item will have a fair market value and will be deductible by the Supporter.
# Donation Representative
An Auction Worker who has the ability to manage only donations for an organization along with the ability to manage Supporters.
# Donation Status
Donations have 3 possible statuses for tracking: • Pledged – Supporter has promised to donate the item to the auction for sale, but has not physically given the item. • Received – Your Organization has physically received the item from the Supporter. • Onsite – This is a special version of Received. Depending on the timing, you may be receiving items far in advance of the auction. They may be stored in a different location than the auction site. This status allows you to track which items are physically at the auction location.
# Event
An auction held on a specific date
# Fair Market Value
The value of the item to be sold. The donor receives a tax deduction for the value of the item. The buyer receives a tax deduction for the purchase price in excess of the Fair Market Value. For example, if a toy is donated that the donor purchased for $20, the donor receives a deduction of $20. If the buyer wins the item at auction for $30, the buyer receives a deduction of $10 ($30 Bid Price - $20 FMV).
# Line
A grouping of donations brought together and sold in a consistent way. There are 3 types of Lines supported by AuctionIT: live, silent & fixed.
• Live auctions are traditional auctions with an auctioneer seeking bids and selling the items in a live format.
• Silent lines allow people bid during a fixed period of time. At the end of the time, the auction is closed, and the highest bidder wins the item.
• Fixed lines allow the items being sold to be purchase at a fixed price. A common scenario for using these is when you have items that are donated and being sold to children. The price on the items is set ahead of time and operate like a store.
# Organization
The Charitable Organization that is hosting the event and has licensed AuctionIT.
# QR Code
A small square made up of smaller black squares that is printed on the donation tag or bidder card. When scanned, information that is specific to that donation or bidder is retrieved.
# Roles
An Admin assigns a role to workers which controls which parts of AuctionIT that they can access. The Auction Administrator will have access to the entire system. Other Admins may have very limited access (for example, only the ability to vend).
# Suborganization
Some auctions have donations and supporters that they want to subdivide into other Organizations. This can be disabled and hidden in your version of the auction software if it is not meaningful to you. For example, a School District may have multiple Elementary Schools who are coming together for a fundraising auction. The School could set up each Elementary as a separate Organization and track the supporters and donations by each Elementary. There would be a Parent Organization set up for the District and then suborganizations for each School. Supporters or donations not connected to a specific Elementary could be connected with the Parent Organization.
# Supporter
An Individual, Family, Business or Organization that supports you through the auction. This would include those who make donations to sell at the auction as well as those who buy items at the auction.
# Tags
Paper that identifies and is attached to a donation. There are 2 types of tags: Donation and Final. Donation Tags can be printed when a donation is received in order to have the pertinent information about the donation. After donations have been positioned on a line, a Final Tag can be printed that includes the line and position with information about the donation so the donations can be properly ordered and prepared for the auction process.
# Vending
Items that are sold in conjunction with the auction event, but are not donations. For example, your Organization may be selling t-shirts during the event or offering food for sale.